Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Private Investigator Ed Opperman Says Ashley Madison Hacking is Old News

Summary :
Private investigate Ed Opperman has been catching people cheating online for years. Tracing email addresses back to online personal ads.  He does it without any hacking or cracking Password stealing.
For Immediate Release - Private investigator Ed Opperman President is the inventor of the Personal Ad Investigation. Since 2003 he has been catching people cheating online by tracing an email addresses back to online personal ads.
He has been doing this for years without any hacking or cracking or password stealing. Since 2003 tens of thousands of people have visited his web site ad used the  Dating Service (Infidelity) Investigation to trace a suspected cheaters email address back to online personal ads and dating sites.
If he finds a site where that email is registered he can expand on the investigation and catch the cheater in the act, trading pics , phone numbers or arranging a real life meeting.
They can also catch cheaters with digital forensics, un deleting deleted text messages and email to uncover infidelity
Email Revealer’s digital forensics services are not limited to mobile device data recovery, however. Alongside restoring deleted cell phone data, their hard disk data recovery services can retrieve previously deleted files, documents, histories, chat logs, and images from a computer’s hard drive.


Email Revealer is an online investigation service that specializes in investigating extramarital activity. In addition to their computer and cell phone forensics services, Email Revealer provides personal ad investigations, porn and escort website investigations, marriage and divorce records searches, and dating service investigation.
Ed Opperman
Accurate Information Recovery Inc
PO Box 777381
HendersonNV 89077


Margaret Harvey said...
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Margaret Harvey said...
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