Sunday, February 22, 2009

Find Your Ex-Girlfriend and Get a Second Chance at Lo

Find Your Ex-Girlfriend and Get a Second Chance at Love

Everyone has gone through a breakup at some point and time in life. Some relationships were fly-by-night and others may have been a little long term. You remember one breakup like it happened just yesterday, and you never got the chance to talk to her after wanted to so badly, though. You shared some great times with your ex-girlfriend, she was your first love, your only love, and she still holds your heart today. If only you could talk to her just once more, maybe see her face again...

Okay, let's jump back into reality here. You haven't seen your ex-girlfriend since the breakup. She left and you never saw her again. You went to her place, and it was empty, and her phone number had been disconnected. You don't know any of her relatives, or rather you don't know how to get in touch with them, so it seems like every road leads you to a dead end. There's no way you'll ever find her, you'll never get a second chance. You keep going over the possibilities in your head, but you just don't know how you could ever find her.

There is hope, and it's much simpler than you probably think. You simply need to hire a private investigator to do a people finder search for you. You've already got your ex-girlfriend's basic info- her name, age, old address and phone number. The PI will do all the rest for you. In fact, they might be able to find her in the next 24 hours! Wouldn't that be awesome?

Just to be clear, a people finder search doesn't always return the perfect result. Sometimes, you can have every detail about a person and still be unable to find them. When something like this occurs, the private investigator will just dig a little deeper. With the information contained in the original search report, the PI will then proceed to perform what is called a skip trace. This method of investigation is more advanced and on average, it will take about two weeks for the PI to find your ex-girlfriend. But, she WILL be found, and this is the one thing that matters most to you!

You won't need to do anything extra while the investigation is underway, you just have to be patient and wait for the PI to do their job. Trust that the time spent will be well worth it, and just keep in mind that you will finally get your second chance with your ex-girlfriend. You will be able to make things 'right' between the two of you and be happy again.

If you decide to hire a PI to perform this investigation, be sure they are an expert locater and have experience with people finder searches and skip trace investigations. Do your homework and research their name and PI agency to see if they are considered to be experts in this very cutting edge type of investigation.

Ed Opperman, president of Opperman Investigations Inc is an expert in Skip Tracing and People Finder Search investigations. If you need help finding someone visit

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Anonymous said...


Awesome post. You are left with no chance to get ex girlfriend back if you're not emotionally calm and controlled. Women dislike needy, clingy, desperate men - so you need to pull your own life together before attempting to draw her back into it.

Pininmud said...

You should try sites like a free people search website. Perfect for not only finding your ex, but also finding out what they're up to and how they're looking!!

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