Friday, December 25, 2009
Divorce and Computer Evidence
Desk top computers
Laptop computers
personal digital assistants (PDA) which act as electronic organizers or day planners that are portable, easy to use and capable of sharing information with your PC.
Cell Phones;
TIVO (which can be modified to store data);
Digital Cameras.
These devices offer a rich source of information which often overlooked in divorce proceedings. Any of these digital databases may be forensically examined as part of the divorce discovery process. This may involve making a mirrored copy of hard drives, examining stored data or recovering deleted information.
Clearly, such a forensic analysis can be an indispensable tool in high conflict divorce cases where there is a suspicion of wealth transfers or to locate proof of infidelity or other fault based conduct. Information obtainable may include:
(1) e-mail messages;
(2) instant messages;
(3) user names; passwords;
(4) names and addresses of financial institutions;
(5) asset transfers;
(6)fund transfers;
(7) debt information;
(8) account activity;
(9) monitoring activity including creating chronological timelines for computer program use;
(10) recovering deleted, encrypted, or damaged file information.
It is important to remember that deleted information is never truly deleted. Even formatting the hard drive of a computer does not erase stored date and, instead, simply erases the links that point to where the data can be located. In fact, computer experts claim that if an amateur tried to burn their computer in a fireplace, there is a very good chance the data could still be recovered. What is even more compelling is that, in many instances, the most important evidence is proof that there was an attempt to destroy data. Some things that may be discovered in a forensic examination include:
(1) Saved Files – These are data files that exist in a form that can be readily used. They can often be located in named and organized directories. However, a good investigator will look further for files that are hidden in strange directories or even marked to be hidden from the operating system. Often, computer users attempt to hide files by adding suffixes to the file name like .exe in order to avoid detection.
(2) Deleted Files – When a file is deleted from a computer, it is not altered. The operating system is just told to ignore that it exists. Unless the operating system writes new data over the old, it may be recovered.
(3) Temporary Files – Operating systems and programs temporarily store a copy of working data in various places. Sometimes it is in the same location as the original. More frequently it is in a specially designated folder specifically for temporary files.
(4) Metadata – This is a term that refers to corollary information that is stored along with data. It includes such things as the date the file was created, modified and last accessed. It can tell us the original owner as well as everyone who has ever used it. Sometimes it contains previous versions of the document.
(5) Disk Slack – When data is stored, it accidentally captures data from previous documents. With the certain forensic software, this datas can be searched and the old data resurrected.
The consequences of discovering undisclosed assets or other relevant information in divorce can be profound. The party that fails to disclose the asset during the divorce process may be required to pay attorney’s fees, turn over the asset to the other party or to the court in a receivership proceeding in addition to calling into question that party’s credibility in the proceedings as a whole. Actively pursing this avenue of investigation may be the difference between losing out on significant assets or finding a treasure trove of financial information from local investments and real estate holdings even if they are held in the name of another person or sheltered as part of a holding company. In practice, forensic examinations have been effective in turning up financial institutions to explore for hidden accounts and discovering wealth transfers to overseas repositories.
The goal of computer forensics is to do a structured investigation and find out exactly what happened on a digital system, and who was responsible for it. Hiring a qualified expert is critical to such an investigation. Any manipulation of a digital device from an untrained person may effectively destroy the admissibility of any evidence found since such information in untrained hands may be manipulated and modified by mistake or design. A forensic expert, by contrast, must take great pains to preserve the data in its original form before even commencing an analysis. This means that forensic examiners must take steps to ensure the integrity of the information contained within those physical items while developing methods and techniques that provide valid and reliable results while protecting the real evidence—the information—from harm. In the context of a computer hard drive, this may mean making a mirrored hard drive so that the original condition of the hard drive is preserved for any subsequent investigation.
Forensic expert generally use three phases for recovering evidence from a computer system or storage medium. Those phases include:
(1) Acquiring the data;
(2) Analyzing the data; and
(3) Reporting the data.
(4) Digital device users, including computer users, always leave tracks. According to computer forensic experts, it is “just” a matter of finding these tracks.
It is important to recognize that computer evidence almost never exists in isolation. It is a product of the data stored, the application used to create and store it, and the computer system that directed these activities. Even the applications used to create data may serve a critical role.
For example, in one particular divorce proceeding, discovery was served to acquire financial records related to a family owned business. In response, the spouse that operated the business provided profit and loss statements and general ledgers for a four year period. the records seemed to minimize the corporate assets and income. As a result, a Motion was brought to perform a forensic analysis on the computer system where the records were purportedly stored. At trial, it was revealed that the computer that was analyzed had been used to modify the data. Specifically, a program designed to erase data was downloaded and used to remove items from the hard drive only shortly before the computer was turned over to the forensic examiner. Even more compelling, the forensic examiner was able to determine that the financial records that were provided by the spouse had been created by a program version that was not in use at the time the records were purportedly compiled. The end result was that the court imposed a sanction against the party providing the records including a presumption that the records had been modified and were inaccurate.
Valid and reliable methods to recover data from computers as part of discovery in divorce proceedings are becoming fundamental for divorce lawyers. this is particularly true in cases with larger estates, complicated business or real estate holdings or multi-jurisdictional assets. These methods must not be overlooked. However, in such cases, it is critical to hire an attorney and a computer forensic expert capable of finding necessary information and presenting it effectively in court.
For legal representation call 612.240.8005
Maury D. Beaulier is a recognized leader in divorce and famnily law in Minnesota and Wisconsin including high profile cases across both sttaes. He can be reached at or at (612) 240-8005.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Does an extramarital affair automatically lead to divorce?
Identifying an unfaithful spouse
While painful, the first step in healing the wounds over an affair is verifying whether or not the affair is actually taking place. While there are dozens of different signs that your spouse may be exuding that point to them cheating on you -- unless you have proof, or a confession, there will always be that lingering doubt in the back of your mind.
Because the unfaithful today use the internet to aide them in their extramarital activities, online infidelity investigation services are the recommended method of either validating your suspicions, or putting them to rest for good.
Avoiding the pitfalls of false accusations
In some cases, the act of falsely accusing your spouse of cheating on you can cause irreparable harm to your relationship. In fact, these accusations may trigger the type of distrust and hurt that cheating on your spouse yourself may cause -- accusations can be extremely damaging. For this reason, before you confront your spouse about your suspicions -- you need to have undeniable proof that they are, in fact, having an extramarital affair.
How to heal from an extramarital affair
Once you have verified that your spouse has been cheating on you, or did cheat on you in the past -- you need to confront them and take an honest look at your feelings. It will take time -- yes. You may actually need to separate yourself from your spouse for a season, and maybe even your kids for a short period of time as well. Get away, sort your personal feelings about yourself out, identify what you really want, and then go back to discuss things with your spouse.
Now, there is no denying it -- sometimes marriages will not work out after an extramarital affair. However, more times than not, there are ways to keep a marriage together, and even make it even stronger than it was before.
While it is true that extramarital infidelity can wreak havoc on a relationship, and it certainly can cause walls to go up between couples when an extramarital affair has taken place -- an affair does not have to destroy a marriage.
Copyright © 2009 Ed Opperman is the Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc and the chief investigator for If you need assistance with Dating Service (Infidelity) Investigation please feel free to visit his web site. Source: Permalink:
EmailRevealer Press Release
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Cheaters Can't Hide From a Computer Forensic Examination
A computer forensic examination can help you recover previously deleted data from a computer's hard drive. This 'deleted data' can include everything that has ever been stored on the computer -- images, videos, visited websites, emails, installed applications, and more. In some cases, a computer forensic expert may be able to piece together several years' worth of data that was supposedly deleted a long time ago. The main tools that cheaters use to hide their illicit activities allows them to clear their web browsing history, cookies, remove items from their recycle bin, and remove form data. Now, if you're not a computer expert, deleted files and histories might as well as be gone forever, you're not likely going to be able to recover them yourself. However, just because a file was deleted from a computer does not mean that it is gone forever.
When a file, a history item, an email, or anything else, is added to a computer hard drive, that data is there permanently until it is overwritten by new data. It may take weeks, months, or years for data to become 'unrecoverable', and this is how cheaters can be caught by computer forensic examination services. If your spouse or partner is using their computer to cheat on you, the technology is here that will help you to recover files that have been deleted from their computers.
Cheaters can continue to clean their web browsing history, deleting their emails, removing incriminating photos and videos. Fortunately, many cheaters and would-be cheaters think that this is enough for them to cover their tracks and to hide their illicit ways from you. While thinking that your spouse is cheating on you is hardly a positive situation, at least you have a way to catch them where they least expect it. Cheaters can cheat, but they can't hide from a computer forensic examination.
Copyright (c) 2009 Ed Opperman
Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about how to recover deleted pics and other useful information please click here now:===>
Article Source:
EmailRevealer Press Release
Catch Your Shouse Cheating
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
How To Stop Cyber Stalking With A Reverse Email Search
Everyone knows how big of a problem cyber stalking is but what you don't know is that cyber stalking is becoming just as big of a problem. Did you know that there was a survey done that states that one million women and 371 thousand men are cyberstalked yearly in the United States?So what is cyber stalking? It is similar to stalking offline but not quite the same. It is basically where someone uses electronic communication media to harass you, threaten you, bully you or try their best to intimidate you, their victim.The communication media that they might use can include email, websites, forums, newsgroups, instant messaging and anything else that is online.You will know when you have someone cyber-stalking you because they use a large variety of techniques to harass you or their other victims.
You may find that you start receiving hostile and unwelcome or unwanted emails.The key word is unwanted. If you feel uneasy about the contact someone is giving to you they may very well be stalking you online.They may publish false information about you in chat rooms and forums. They have also been found to pose as victims in provocative and confrontational sessions online and in email messages with other people. They will also use MySpace and other online sites to harass their victims.To get to their victims there are many times that physical stalkers become cyber stalkers.
The internet makes it easier for stalkers to contact their victim in a lot of new ways.This doesn't mean that you don't want to get online, it just means that you need to be careful when you are online. Always pay attention and watch what you are doing.Putting personal information online in an unsecured area is a bad idea unless you are running an online business and want to be contacted. Even then that contact should always be in a professional manner relating to the business you offer.One thing you need to be aware of is that the stalking starts online as cyber stalking, it can still turn into physical stalking. This means that you could start receiving unwanted and abusive phone calls frequently. You could experience vandalism, trespassing and maybe even a physical assault.As you can see, the problem of cyber stalking is not uncommon and there are steps that can be taken to make your life a lost easier.You do not have to sit back and get walked over.You can hire a private investigator that is an expert in reverse email investigations. They can trace the email back to the senders, locate and identify him and deliver a report that can be used in a court of law to prosecute your stalker.Stalking is serious business and should not be taken lightly so be sure the investigator you hire is qualified to carry this investigation through to the end. Many older investigators will not be familiar with this field and mistakenly tell you that a supeopne or search warrent is required. In their confusion they may also think you are asking them to hack into someone email account. Make sure the PI you hire is widely acknowledged as an expert in email tracing and is therefore qualified to handle the job.
Published At: Isnare Free Articles Directory http://www.isnare.comPermanent Link: Opperman , president of Opperman Investigations Inc is an expert in Cyber Stalking Investigations. If you need help with a Reverse Email Search visit
EmailRevealer Press Release
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Asset Search-Locate Hiden Funds and Secret Bank Accounts
Getting into a financial venture with a company or an individual proves to be tricky endeavor. True, there are laws that will help you file a case should the transaction turn out fraudulent, but it is always better to nip the problem at the bud and find out if what you're getting into is legitimate. Public records is one of the most effective channels you can explore when conducting an asset search.There are different packages available depending on how much information you wish to acquire regarding someone's assets. Basic searches will most likely include personal belongings, properties and credit history. There are very reliable Web sites that offer advanced asset searches which will provide you more details like past financial ventures, previous companies the person has worked for, previous companies the person owned, aircraft and watercraft ownership, bankruptcy if any, tax liens, corporate records, enhanced marriage and divorce check, judgments on small claims, house ownership, estimated income based on average house value and neighborhood income and other persons he or she may have worked with in the past.Online asset search engines will use a variety of techniques and advanced tools featuring a huge database to make sure that all figures and details are accurate and up-to-date. Financial and property assets will be searched, investigated and verified to prove whether or not the person is telling you the truth regarding his or her credibility. When viewing an asset search report, you have to know how to watch out for bad signs such as:1. His or her personal lifestyle does not match the estimated income. If the person seems to own so much, but have a disproportionate income, you may start to feel doubtful and ask questions.2. The person has a number of civil suits filed against him or her or the person has filed a number of civil suits to other parties in a financial endeavor. Find out the details to stay protected from unscrupulous schemes and other dishonest activities.3. The individual has declared bankruptcy in the past. Although bankruptcy is not immediately a negative factor, you still have to find out if the cause was reasonable.Even if the person has had mishaps with finances in the past, the decision to reconsider and get into a venture with him or her remains entirely up to you. You will need the person's basic identifying information before you are able to conduct a successful asset search online. It will be easier for searchers to narrow down the target if you also include the address, approximate age and current employment. Searches will usually be based on public records since regulations still prioritize the privacy and confidentiality of the individual unless you have legal basis and permission to access other types of records.It is equally important to keep your assets protected by using a number of strategies. Getting a lawyer and accountant will help you make wiser decisions. Liabilities and taxes can also be reduced through useful approaches like insurance and properly choosing the type of partnership that is most advantageous for you. Keep your records as private as possible to keep others from acquiring asset info that may put your business or financial stability at risk. Also learn about state laws and regulations that will help boost the performance of your assets and maximize your security.
About Author: Ed Opperman invites you to visit his asset search and online investigation website for all of your search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and a lot more. To learn more about asset search and other useful information please click here now:===>
How to Catch an Unfaithful Spouse
Check their cell phone
Nowadays, it is exceptionally likely that if there is any unfaithfulness in your marriage, that your spouse's cell phone is being used to commit their extramarital activities. The good-amongst-the-bad news here is that there are quite a few different ways that you can identify an unfaithful spouse by their cell phone activity. You can look through their sent and received calls, you can check their voicemail, you can read their text messages, or you can send the cell phone into a digital forensics investigator so that they can recover deleted text messages, e-mails, or possibly even the cell phone's call history.
Especially if your spouse has engaged in a physical relationship, there is a good chance that they have used their cell phone during the course of committing the affair. So, checking your spouse's cell phone is one of the most reliable ways to catch an unfaithful spouse.
Catch them in a lie
If your spouse is being unfaithful, it is guaranteed that they are lying to you in some capacity. They need to cover their tracks to account for hours of the day that they were not available, the phone calls that are showing up on the caller ID, or because they need to make excuses to head out of the house to either talk to, or see, the person with whom they're cheating on you with. Unless your spouse is a master liar, there is a good chance that it would not take much effort to elicit conflicting stories for their day-to-day activities or out-of-the-norm occurrences around the home.
Monitor their internet usage
Overwhelmingly, extramarital activity either starts, or is limited to, activity on the internet. Statistically, women are just as likely to utilize the internet for extramarital activity as men are, if not more likely. Like checking your spouse's cell phone activity, there are quite a few different ways you can go about monitoring your spouse's internet usage. You could install tracking software on your computer that would monitor your spouse's keystrokes, capture their e-mails, and keep record of the websites they visit.
Additionally, you could hire an online investigator to check and see if your spouse is using married-but-dating websites, adult chat websites, or any number of websites that cater to singles or married people looking to cheat on their partner.
While there are a large number of ways that you could catch an unfaithful spouse in the act, these three methods we have outlined here are amongst the most reliable, and probably easiest ways to catch them and find out if they are, in fact, cheating on you.
Ed Opperman, president of Opperman Investigations Inc, is an expert in Internet Infidelity Investigations and Computer and Cell Phone Forensics. If you need help with an infidelity investigation visit .
Article Source:
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
6 Steps to Having Computer Forensic Examination Done
The first step the examiner will take is establishing some chain of custody. It is important that examiner knows where any items related to the investigation will be located at all times. Many times places like a safe or cabinet is best to secure the items.
Next, the examiner will catalog all relevant information including active, archival and latent data. Any kind of information that has been deleted can be recovered if at all possible and any encrypted information or information that is password-protected will be identified. During this process, an exact copy of the hard drive image will be made and the image is then authenticated against the original to ensure it is the exact copy.
From there, additional sources of information will be obtained depending on how the computer forensic examination is going and what the circumstances are. Some additional sources of information that may need to be obtained include firewall logs, proxy servicer logs, Kerberos server logs or sign-in sheets.
The fourth step during the examination is analyze and interpret all of the information in order to determine what can be used as evidence. The examiner will look for both exculpatory and inculpatory evidence to solidify a decision. In order to ensure the accuracy of the decision, encrypted files and password protected files will be identified.
After collecting all of the necessary information and evidence needed with the case, a written report will then be submitted to the client with whatever findings and comments the investigators have.
Finally, the investigator will provide expert witness testimony at a deposition, trial, or some other form of legal proceeding. Keep in mind that you cannot perform a computer forensic examination on your own. A certified examiner uses licensed equipment that will prevent tainting the evidence and ultimately ensure its validity in court.
When looking for a computer forensic examination, make sure you look for help from a certified examiner. They will be able to help you with whatever problem or evidence you are looking to attain. When performing the examination, the examiner will go through the six steps listed in this article in order to do so legally and efficiently.
Copyright (c) 2009 Ed Opperman
Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about how to recover deleted pics and other useful information please click here now:===>
Article Source:
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Cell Phone Forensics at Its Best
The main reason cell phone records are used in court is to determine where people were and who they were talking to. What you may not realize is just how easy it is to track where you are when you were talking on the phone.
Despite cell phones being fairly sophisticated devices, they really are nothing more than a two-way radio. They are constantly connecting and communicating with a network by sending pings to the nearest transmission tower. Because of this, it makes it fairly simple to route calls correctly.
There are multiple antennas that track your phone's signal because of the fact that a single tower only covers a few square miles. However, cell phone forensics is made possible with the help of countless towers spread all over. As you move, your call travels and is handed over to the base station that receives the strongest signal from the phone. This means that wherever you go, your signal can and will be tracked.
The carrier keeps detailed records of which towers your phone has made contact with and what time it did so. What this means is that where you and your phone are located can be tracked within a few hundred yards. Urban areas allow you to be tracked even more precisely by the block.
To make cell phone forensics even easier, many phones have become equipped with GPS chips. As long as it is turned on, this allows the carrier and anyone looking to attain evidence and records your exact location in real time.
This information has different ramifications on different people. For some, it can be a great way to track down where your husband or wife really went during a "business vacation." For others, it can lead to your conviction in some kind of criminal trial. It all depends on how you look at the technology and what you are hoping to get out of it.
For now, there is no doubt that cell phones have played a major role in criminal cases and many other types of trials. With the ability to track where you are, where you have gone, and what time you were in the location, cell phones can either be your best or worst enemy in regards to cell phone forensics.
Copyright (c) 2009 Ed Opperman
Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about how to recover and undelete deleted pics and other useful information please click here now:===>
Article Source:
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Four Ways to Catch a Cheating Spouse
Here are four things you can do to help you catch a cheating spouse:
Make an unexpected stop while they are at work - You have errands to do -- you're dropping the kids off somewhere, you're out doing a bit of shopping, or you're just out and about. If you happen to be passing by his or her place of work, and it's not too out of place for you to stop by and see them -- this could be a good way to catch your spouse cheating.
Have a trusted friend follow them - If you have a trusted friend, especially a lifelong friend who isn't mutual, you may be able to have him or her follow your spouse. However, this option is only viable if you have a good idea of when your spouse may be leaving to see another person -- you shouldn't ask a friend to trail your spouse all the time. This may strain your friendship, and potentially worse -- your spouse may catch on if they continually see the same vehicle day in and day out.
Retrieve deleted data from their cell phone - Many people nowadays have at least one cell phone, and there are many in that group who maintain several cell phone accounts for any number of reasons. If your spouse owns a cell phone, and they are cheating on you, there's a good chance that they have used their cell phone during the course of their affair. As with most technologies, pricing drops for certain products and services over time, and cell-phone data retrieval isn't any different. Today, these services are within the financial reach of most families.
Hire an online investigator - Nowadays, most cheating, and potential cheating, starts on the internet. It's relatively uncommon for a man, or woman, to jump into cheating -- usually there is a pattern of behavior; visiting dating websites, using married-but-dating chat rooms, or even browsing around websites geared toward singles looking to mingle, that precedes the act of cheating. An online investigator can trace your partner's online activity, particularly searching through these types of websites, to help you, and others, catch their cheating spouse -- even if they have not "technically" cheated on you yet.
Sometimes, the feelings associated with the "what ifs" of cheating can be worse than dealing with the truth of the situation itself. If you think that your spouse may be cheating on you, you owe it to yourself to find out the truth. By using any of these four methods, you will be able to catch your cheating spouse, or, preferably -- find out that your gut feeling was wrong, and finally be able to put these uneasy feelings to rest.
Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service search website for all of your trace email address needs. He offers internet infidelity investigations reverse email searches, telephone investigations, and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: --->
Article Source:
Friday, May 8, 2009
Signs Your Wife is Cheating Online
Here are some signs your wife is cheating online:
-She spends a lot of time on the internet
-She deletes the history of sites visited a lot
-She spends a lot of time using instant messengers or hanging out in chat rooms
-She seems more distant towards you
-There are changes in her mood and behavior
-There is a change in your sex life
-She suddenly needs more privacy
-She needs more distance from you
-She gets angry if she feels her privacy is being invaded or you are being too nosy.
Many women go online in search for their knight in shining armor who will shower them with compliments and act romantic towards them such as sending love emails and fulfilling their romantic fantasies.
Some women go online simply to find partners to have cyber sex with. Some women are using instant messengers so they can have cyber sex with someone they met online. This could escalate to phone calls or in person meetings for real romps.
And of course cyber sex can include using webcams. Is your wife exposing herself via webcam to men online while you are out of the house? If you suspect your wife is cheating via the internet and want to catch her, then consider the use of online infidelity investigations.
You simply supply your wife's email and the email will be run through a database of thousands of dating, swinger, and social networking sites to see if that email is registered with any of those thousands of sites.
In 24-48 hours you will know if your wife is using her email account to cheat on you. You will know which sites she registered with so you can view her ad and see what she's up to on the internet while you are away.
If you have your suspicions but need to know for sure, you are a day or two away from finding out if your wife has any ads posted on any of the thousands of dating websites all over the internet.
You need to know for sure one way or the other so you can figure out how you want to proceed in your marriage. If you find your wife is having an online affair, she can't lie her way out of it, because you will have solid proof and can tell her you know exactly which sites she's registered with.
Ed Opperman is the Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc and the chief investigator for If you need to Catch a spouse cheating please feel free to visit his web site.
Article Source:
Monday, April 27, 2009
Are You Being Betrayed?
As humans, we all want companionship and a soul mate to share our life with.
The last person you would want to betray you is your very own spouse. They are the person who is supposed to love you the most, who made vows to you, and who you have a higher standard for than any random person on the street.
Unfortunately, though there has always been cheaters and always will be. And unfortunately as great as the internet is, it provides a constant temptation for someone who has cheating on their mind and easy access to find someone to cheat with.
Long ago, the only way to get proof of cheating would be if someone caught them and told you, one of the cheaters confessed to you, you caught them yourself, you listened in on one of their illicit phone conversations or you hired someone to follow them and take pictures of the cheaters.
Now, catching a cheater is easier than ever. You don't have to hire anyone to follow your spouse around and take pictures. They don't even have to confess, which if you don't have proof, you probably wouldn't want to confront them anyway and start a fight. With no kind of proof you have nothing to go on except "that feeling". And "that feeling" isn't proof.
Online infidelity investigators have all the technology you need to give you the proof so you can know once and for all if your spouse is cheating or not. You either just need to provide your spouses email to see if they are trolling on dating sites, cell phone to see if there's incriminating evidence there, even if it was deleted, or your computers hard drive to see what secrets were deleted to hide them from you.
With personal computer and laptops and cell phones, that makes it even easier to cheat and keep in contact with their lover. You may not even have access to these items and even if you do, your spouse could have deleted anything that shows their affair to keep it hidden from you. Everything they deleted can be uncovered.
You may not have even heard of online infidelity investigators before, but they exist and they can use their technology to tell you if "that feeling" you have was right or not.
Ed Opperman , president of Opperman Investigations Inc is an expert in Internet Infidelity Investigations and Computer and Cell Phone Forensics. If you need help with an infidelity investigation visit
Article Source:
Friday, April 3, 2009
How to Catch a Cheater With Modern Technology
You don't want to confront your spouse without any proof because you are afraid of confronting an innocent person, don't want the guilt associated with that, and don't want to start any unnecessary fights.
While the internet and other technology such as cell phones, pagers, blackberries make it easier than ever to cheat and easier than ever to be tempted, the silver lining of the cloud is that you can get proof that your spouse is cheating so you don't have to make false allegations or confront an innocent person.
If you are sick with stress that your spouse is cheating, it's time to find out the truth and remove all doubts for good.
With modern technology, there are several different ways you can catch your spouse cheating. You can pick which method you are most comfortable with.
There are online infidelity investigators to combat the rising problem of online cheaters and to help spouses catch their spouse cheating and to uncover the truth.
These investigators have all the modern technology that will remove any doubts or second guessing you may have.
It's time to put a stop to the stress, doubts, guilt, the confusion, sickening feeling, and get to the bottom of the situation. You don't deserve to live like this. You deserve to know exactly what's going on. If you are in the dark, it's your spouse making that decision for you.
But it's your life, and it's your decision to make on how you want to live it. Nobody else should make that decision for you, especially without you knowing it.
By providing an online investigator your spouses email, they can tell you if that email is registered with any of the thousands of dating sites out there in only 1-2 days.
By sending an online investigator your spouses cell phone, they can uncover all of the secrets, even deleted secrets, it may contain. You can see for yourself any deleted text messages, deleted pictures, deleted phone calls, phone call logs, and more.
With a computer forensic examination, you can see all secrets that your spouse has been keeping from you on the computer. You will be able to look at deleted emails from your spouse's lover, deleted pictures, deleted documents, and deleted files.
Just because your spouse deleted something, doesn't mean it's gone. It's still on your hard drive, you just need an investigator to uncover it all for you. After seeing everything on the computer that your spouse has deleted and tried to hide from you, you will know without any doubt whether you are being cheated on or not and who with. There will be no more secrets and you no longer have to worry about confronting your spouse without any proof.
Copyright (c) 2009 Ed Opperman
Ed Opperman is the Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc and the chief investigator for If you need to Catch a spouse cheating please feel free to visit his web site.
Article Source:
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Top 5 Preventions Tips Before Reverse Email Lookup
Primarily, you need to ensure that you only give out important details and information about your computer and yourself to people you know and trust. The top five prevention tips are as follows:
1. Give out the right information to the right person.
2. Store and inform others to store your information properly.
3. Be careful of suspicious-looking email.
4. Be careful when sending out email.
5. Be careful when visiting Web sites or downloading data online.
Do not easily give out confidential information over public areas. A variety of advanced tools and methods already allow other individuals with more computer knowledge than you to easily access chat rooms and instant messengers. Even if you had the conversation hours or days ago, dishonest users may reach your computer and browse through old folders and files. You have to ensure that you are also communicating with the right person before handing out any data.
Since others can access your computer through various means, you may want to keep it protected by installing antivirus software, a registry cleaner, anti-spyware and a reverse email lookup software. If possible, write on paper or print any information you receive in your email or other applications then delete what's in your computer immediately. Also inform others to transfer data quickly and delete your sent files to keep everything confidential.
Develop a meticulous eye for suspicious-looking mail or spam. Check the sender's email address as well as the title or topic. Never open anything you're not familiar with or not expecting to receive. Opening these may harbor malicious data into your computer allowing other users to view and manipulate it. Delete any unknown files without opening.
When sending out emails, also develop a more systematic approach to stay protected. You may want to modify everything in another application before copying and sending it to many when acknowledging email receipt. Schedule your email activities as well and use automatic receipts instead.
Do not simply enter every interesting Web site or link you see on the internet. Learn how to look out for dangers especially those that try to lead you into viewing or downloading information. A lot of online sites will implant cookies or tracers in your computer to improve their site traffic. Initially, this is harmless in nature and only functions for advertising and marketing. However, others take advantage by planting bugs in order to view confidential data or keep spamming your email without your permission.
A reverse email lookup will do the job of stopping these activities. A number of Web sites offer free services while there are also software and applications that you can buy that provides a wider range of options and unlimited coverage. By tracing the sender and acquiring information too, you also give the same threat warning and forcing him or her to cease messing with your unit.
Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your email search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, reverse email trace, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about reverse email lookup and other useful information please click here now:===>
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Saturday, March 21, 2009
Retrieve Deleted Text Messages: Catch a Cheater
One of the main advantages of text messages when proving dishonest activity is that these are very similar to printed materials. Authorities can clearly distinguish and review information that can be kept digitally once they retrieve deleted text messages. Text messages are also stored in at least two places ' the sender's outbox and the recipients inbox. There are a number of commands to be followed as well before the data can be stored, moved or deleted. All cellular phone users know that they have to confirm at least once whether or not they wish the message deleted.
In the case of dangerous scheming and plans, it is very likely for dishonest individuals to store the messages for reviewing purposes. For example, robbers may want to keep the address, passwords and other codes to be used later on in operation. These can be retrieved by a number of advanced tools and programs even after they have done the deed and successfully deleted everything. You may choose to retrieve deleted text messages independently or hire a professional to get it for you at a cost.
The simplest and most possible way of getting deleted information yourself is to get the contents from the trash folder. Once text messages are deleted, these are still transferred to the trash or discard folder which has a maximum storage capacity too. The user then has the option of emptying the trash to lose all data indefinitely. In some cases, several criminals have been proven guilty because they failed to empty their trash bin. You can easily choose the command that retrieves the message in which it will be instantly transferred from trash to the inbox or a new folder.
There are programs and software that you can install in any handheld digital device to prevent text message from being deleted intentionally or accidentally. All sent and received data can be stored in a hidden area even without the user's knowledge. The individuals who had it installed can then retrieve deleted text messages to observe any untoward conversation or exchange between parties. Usually, business owners and suspicious spouses invest in sim card readers for future assessment.
In less hazardous cases, people install the sim card reader to serve as backup support to all stored data. Over time, the inbox or outbox may accumulate several text messages. Some types of cell phones and PDAs alert users and provide them with a simple command whether or not they want everything in the area deleted at the same time. It is possible to unmindfully delete important messages together with the others.
Damaged devices or hardware will also not affect the integrity of all information stored in the device. Before investing in any software or retrieval program, make sure that it is compatible with your device. Also follow state rules and legislations that aim to protect the confidentiality of messages especially if these don't belong to you.
Ed Opperman invites you to visit his cyber investigation website for all of your search and data retrieval needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and much more. To learn more about retrieving deleted text messages and other useful information please click here now:===>
Friday, March 20, 2009
How Do You Do An Address Email Reverse Search
You can do this a couple of different ways. It is not hard to do an address email reverse search but it may take you some time to do.
A lot of times it comes down to where you are searching for your information. Here are some different ways that you can do a reverse email address search.
One: You can go to any major search engine to do your search. This will definitely take you a little time. Yahoo, Google, InfoSpace, ISP home pages, and other search engines allow you to enter a name and/or email address to see if you can reverse search an email address.
Two: There are many websites that you can find that offer a free search and you can find them with a search engine. However, there are some sites that you can pay a small fee to use.
The good thing about these sites is that they are more updated than the free sites are. So you will get current information and you will be able to get more information about someone than you could with the free search sites.
- World map shows eMail locations
- Each hop along the trace is available in a detailed trace table.
- Whois and network information on display for any email.
- Full header offers outstanding accuracy and tracing capabilities
- Advanced edition stops SPAM before it gets to your machine with mail filtering capabilities.
Four: You can hire a company or investigator to do your address email reverse search. This may be a little expensive but it is a lot less work for you.
You provide an email address and they provide you with a report on everything they find. Many will not charge you if they come up empty handed.
These are just a few of the ways that you can do a reverse email address search. They are the more popular ways. You can even use more than one of these ways to do your address email reverse search.
Just remember that you have to do the search in order to get the information that you need.
Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service search website for all of your investigation search needs. He offers cyber investigations, email IP address trace, telephone investigations, and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: ===>
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Thursday, March 19, 2009
Suspect Your Husband is Sleeping With Prostitutes
In the past the only way a man could find a prostitute was on a street corner, a brothel or hotel bar. But today the majority of prostitutes find their clients over the Internet. There are web sites, blogs, message boards and even entire online communities devoted to prostitutes who call themselves "providers" and their clients who call themselves "hobbyists". They rate each other and give reviews based on price, cleanliness, honesty and attractiveness. They will also blackball members for things like dishonesty or STDs.
There are also "adult dating" sites that also cater to prostitutes. Sometimes you'll even find porn stars advertising their services on these adult dating sites. If you suspect your husband or boyfriend is sleeping with prostitutes there are some steps you can take to either confirm or dispel your suspicions but you should do something. It's not healthy to live in doubt, distrust and suspicion. It's not good for yourself or the health of your relationship. Suspicion and distrust will breed only contempt.
The dangers from these sites are not just to your marriage. Your family could be exposed to blackmail. Many of these organized escort rings will blackmail their clients. If the client does no pay the extortion they will send pictures and videos to your family, friends neighbors and coworkers. Imagine the embarrassment of walking into your place of employment and everyone has seen pictures of your husband cheating with a prostitute.
Today with so much infidelity originating on the Internet a cottage industry of private investigators has grown up that can investigate online activity to uncover infidelity or other inappropriate behavior. You can find secret dating service memberships, locate secret email addresses and Myspace pages. You can also find out if they are members of escort service communities and porn cam sites.
Internet investigators can even find out if your husband has been visiting porn sites.
If you decide to hire an investigator to look into this be sure to hire someone that has experience in online infidelity investigations. Do a Google search on the company name to see if they are recognized as an expert in the field and be sure to compare pricing and turn around times before deciding on who to hire. If you suspect your man is sleeping with prostitutes you need to find out the truth.
Also try to find a PI that can also handle background reports, asset checks and computer forensics., If the case escalates to a divorce and custody proceeding you can same time ,money and embarrassment if you can stay with the same PI.
Ed Opperman, Preseident of Opperman Investigations Inc is considered an expert in Online Infidelity Investigations. If you suspect cheating visit
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Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Do You Suspect Your Spouse Is Cheating?
These professionals are fully equipped to handle your spousal cheating concern. They will use the best of investigative tools available to them, which might include use of personal data to track such things as IP address, type of computer used by the person cheating with your spouse, their name, address, telephone number, where they live and work and other pertinent details.
Since the Internet provides anonymity for everyone, you can't be sure with whom your spouse is dealing. Lying and gross mischaracterization is often a matter of course, which can easily put you and your family at risk. This alone is a very good reason to seek the investigative services of a professional if you suspect your spouse or significant other of online cheating.
In addition, in the first blush of a relationship, cheaters may utilize email, instant messaging conversations, text messaging and video to expand their relationship. The investigative professional will use these avenues to identify the players in this cheating relationship and learn how spouses are representing themselves online.
Interestingly enough many married people who create online and offline cheating relationships do not ever mention their marital status nor do they admit to having children. The problems of these cheating relationships have been well documented and it isn't pretty.
Did you know too that local dating services have entered the online dating scene by offering exclusively to married couples dating opportunities via online dating services and chat rooms? This obviously was a moneymaking opportunity that the dating services could not pass up and the cheating spouses found to be a quick fix to their roving, raging hormones. Although the dating services didn't plan it this way, their client's online activity can be tracked easily through the email address used to sign up and other online activities.
Times have indeed changed. Today, the computer has made it possible for cheating to take place in your own home right under your nose. If you suspect your spouse is cheating stop it in its tracks. Get yourself an online infidelity professional investigator who will provide you with information to combat this unwanted invasion into your life and marriage.
Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service search website for all of your investigation search needs. He offers cyber investigations email IP address trace, telephone investigations, and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: ===>
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
AOL Reverse Email Search To Locate or Identify The Sender
Email is so popular partly because there are so many users who frequently change addresses, often creating new accounts specifically for newsletter subscriptions and junk mail. Quite a few AOL accounts have been hijacked in the past and used by stalkers or individuals who are looking to send 'anonymous' emails to others. But here's the good news: if you've been getting unwanted email from an AOL address, it's entirely possible to use a reverse email search to find out who's responsible for sending the wanted letters.
A reverse email search through the appropriate email provider is always your best first option when it comes to hunting down the author of the emails you received. For example, if the email came from an AOL address, then use America Online's reverse search because it is the easiest to search AOL's own records for an AOL customer who has been bombarding you with unwated email and/or spam.
Nonetheless, if using the company's provided reverse search isn't yielding results, you don't have to despair - there are other options on the table. For starters, you can try using one of the many free, instant data base reverse email search engines available online - and if these don't pan out, you still aren't out of options. You can still hire a professional search service to find the perpetrator, and in many cases this is the best option because hackers, spammers, and stalkers will typically take steps to ensure that they aren't found. Email investigators are prepared for these strategies and can try to break through.
Remember that tenacity is key when it comes to finding who has been sending you hostile or otherwise unwanted emails. In the interim, you might want to consider shifting addresses yourself, or at least taking other steps to protect your internet safety - such as changing your email password periodically so that it's not easily guessed by cyber stalkers and identity thieves.
At the end of the day, tenacity will be the key to your success. The more patient you are, the more thorough your research shall be, and thus, the more likely it will be that you'll uncover the identity of the person who has been emailing you. Even if a private investigator is hired, it could take upwards of several weeks before you are able to find the information that you need - and they perform this kind of investigation every single day!
AOL is one of the oldest service providers you can find, and this applies to the email service as well. This is why it's usually possible to find someone you are looking for; every time we do anything online, we leave what is known as an internet 'footprint.Follow these clues for long enough, and presto - you have your source! Someone using dial-up or anonymous proxy server might be able to avoid being identified for a little while, but no delay is an obstacle if you are willing to put the appropriate amount of time and persistence into your investigation. Best of luck!
Ed Opperman is president of Opperman Investigations Inc He is considered an expert on the reverse email search and online investigations Visit to end your fears.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Signs Your Spouse is Having an Extramarital Affair
If you suspect that your husband or wife may be having an extramarital affair, ask yourself following questions:
- Has your spouse suddenly become distant?
- Does your spouse make excuses to be away from you?
- Has your spouse suddenly started taking on overtime?
- Has your spouse made plans that exclude your input or even involvement?
These are amongst the most common signs that your spouse may be having an extramarital affair. Now, these are far from the only telltale signs -- you may notice changes in daily routines, personal attitude, or in your spouse's lifestyle in general. Honestly, the best way to "know" when your spouse is cheating, even without proof, is by simply paying attention to what is going on in your marriage and with your spouse.
Computers can be a major problem for husbands and wives -- they offer a new, and largely anonymous, venue for their partners to converse with others. When you walk in the room and your spouse shuts down the computer suddenly, or tries to divert your attention from what they are doing -- this may indicate that your spouse is hiding something from you. Online dating sites, or "married but dating" suites have made it very easy to connect with other people in your local area or anywhere around the world.
One other sign that your spouse may be having an affair is their inability to keep track of their "stories" that they tell you. For instance -- ask your spouse what they are doing again, unexpectedly, as they are getting ready to leave. Ask them what they are planning on doing while you are gone -- you may be playing the part of the forgetful spouse, but those who are having an extramarital affair oftentimes will lose track of their lies at some point, and these lies can be indicative of a cheating partner.
Now, while these signs can indicate that your partner is having an extramarital affair, they are not concrete evidence that your spouse is involved in some form of extramarital infidelity. Before you confront your spouse, you should have solid evidence that there really is something going on, other than their suspicious behavior. After all, they are your partner, and a false accusation is not something that can be undone.
If you decide you need a professional investigator that's an expert in Internet infidelity investigations don't just choose the first PI you see in the phone book. Make sure the investigator has a good reputation and is recognized as an authority in this type of cutting edge persoanal investigations. Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service search website for all of your investigation search needs. He offers cyber investigations email IP address trace, telephone investigations, and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: ===>
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Cell Phone Secrets - Your Spouse May Be Having an Extramarital Relationship
In the case of a cheating spouse, it's quite common that they keep in touch with their lover through the use of a cell phone. Chances are, you have very limited access to their cell phone, if any at all. You can be sure that if your spouse is having an extramarital relationship and they are talking to someone in secret on their cell phone, they don't want you to know. In fact, they probably will do everything in their power to keep you from ever getting your hands on that phone.
One of the most common signs of a cheating spouse is that they delete everything from their cell phone. In actuality, it makes no sense why they'd do such a thing since of course they talk to you and exchange messages with you throughout the day. For their phone to be empty all the time is just weird, especially considering that it never used to be that way. Anyhow, if you can manage it, you'll need to send their phone off to a cellular forensics lab for examination. This can easily be done with the help of an experienced private investigator.
Dealing with an extramarital relationship is a delicate matter. Even more so, you have to be careful when you don't know and only have suspicions. Your best choice for a PI is one that is an expert in cellular forensics as well as infidelity investigations. They know how to handle these types of situations while at the same time delivering top notch results.
In general, a private investigator will be able to reveal where your spouse has been with their lover, any hidden financial expenditures they have, as well as how long your spouse has been involved in an extramarital relationship. The details may be painful, indeed, but a PI will expose the truth. A cellular forensics exam of their phone may not reveal everything you're looking to find out, but it will definitely show whether your spouse is keeping secrets from you.
The basic cellphone forensics report consists of deleted text messages and pics, old caller ID logs, and actual call logs. This can be helpful in that you may be able to find out who your spouse's lover is, but it might not give as much information that you will know what exactly is going on between them. An extramarital relationship can be extremely complicated, depending on how deep into the relationship the other spouse may be, and for that reason, you need a private investigator. They are able to take a simple cellphone forensics report and delve much further into the matter than you could alone.
If you're concerned that your spouse may be involved in an extramarital relationship, you should consult the expertise of a qualified private investigator. In most cases, the PI will be able to deliver a full report of everything contained in your spouse's cell phone in about 7 days, so within a week you could finally know the truth about your spouse and finally lay your fears to rest!
Ed Opperman, president of Opperman Investigations Inc, is an expert in Cellular Forensics and infidelity investigations. If you suspect your spouse is having an extramarital relationship and need help uncovering the truth visit
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Online Infidelity Assessment - Is He Cheating?
You know the routine. Woman sees the signs of infidelity, is sure she is dealing with a cheating husband but doesn't know where to go from there. They question "is he cheating" and begin to wonder how they can find out for sure.
And that is where online infidelity assessments come in. These great little services providers can for a few dollars provide a whole worlds worth of answers. Though they cannot help you with surviving infidelity, they can provide you with the solid proof you are seeking. Though the do charge for these services the fees associated with the infidelity assessments are well worth the cost. After all, you cannot place a price tag on your own piece of mind and resolution to a situation as devastating as infidelity.
What exactly do these services do?
They will run through a database of online dating sites (the statistics for infidelity rates in North America are on a scary increase) to determine if your partner is registered with any of the sites. This can indicate they are on the "market" for a new partner, otherwise, what would a married man be doing registered for any of these such sites.
Once found out they can also do another search on your cheating husband to get proof.
They will go to lengths to get the ad they are using to attract a mistress. Some will even go to the extent of trying to make contact with your partner under the surmise of being another women, matching your husbands criteria. They can even take it a step further and try to get them to exchange photos and phone numbers so that you have solid, indisputable proof of what your cheating husband will do or is doing already.
This service can put your mind at ease and help you to come to terms with whether he is cheating or not. These things are not for the light hearted. The news, once more than a suspicion and concrete proof can tear your world apart. You need to ensure you have support for instances when your suspicions of infidelity are proven to be accurate.
If this is what you really want and the route you are seeking to take you should check out online services. With many years in the private investigators industries they bring to the table a wealth of experience and although the Internet and online infidelities are a newer epidemic, they can undertake the task of doing an online infidelity assessment and finally providing you with the proof and answers you need to approach your cheating husband.
Don't delay though, everyday you wait is another day of your life wasted on a cheating husband, another day of your life that could have been spent coping with infidelity and moving forward in your life. Don't settle for second best. You deserve to be the only woman in a deserving man's life. If you are seeing the signs of infidelity online, you need to protect yourself and your emotions and find out the truth.
Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service search website for all of your investigation search needs. He offers cyber investigations email IP address trace, telephone investigations, and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: ===>
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Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Getting Clues with Handheld Digital Forensics
Take note that in the past few years, very serious cases like bomb threats, drug deals, rapes, murders and other crimes have been outwitted or solved with the use of information retrieved from post-mortem cellular phones and PDAs. Dangerous individuals get to store, hold and send vital information leading to each case. Any data extracted will serve as evidence to prove that the individuals were truly involved. It would also be better if the information would be taken before the mischievous activity takes place so that legal authorities will have a chance to stop it.
In the workplace, handheld digital forensics can be used to weed out employees who may be going under the system or stealing from the company. Simple text messages taken from cell phones or recorded voice mail can point out plans and any illegal undertakings. Companies may start investing in programs and having them secretly installed in cell phones and PDAs given out to employees. Although confidential matters should be kept away from the public, the company will therefore have the right to sift through any details that may hinder company development and growth.
These tools have also shown to be very effective in relationships as more and more couples want to learn about their partner's digital activities. Cellular phones can hold text messages, pictures, voice messages and other data which individuals can retrieve and view. Handheld digital forensics shows to be a potent means in solving online infidelity.
Every send and received data as long as in storage can be reviewed. Professional may find deleted messaged very hard to restore or trace. There will also be other important details that can seem relevant to unscrupulous cases like dialed numbers, duration of the call and location of the caller or other party. These are also commonly found in most billing records.
The beauty of handheld digital forensics is that it allows data to be retrieved even if the gadget or technology itself has been destroyed. For instance, cellphones can have a memory card or sim card that can function in storing outgoing and incoming information. Experts and advanced tools only need to access these to represent all contained information. A lot of people that want to investigate only need to bring the devices to an expert. They may also install other surveillance devices or programs into the material but there are risks of these being detected by antivirus and other protection software and applications.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology or NIST established guidelines in order to properly and legally analyze and retrieve evidence from digital artifacts. It is important for you to have legal basis first as to why you intend to sort out and review data. In the case of companies, owners and supervisors may use the fact that their development can be at risk due to dishonest workers. Couples can indicate that they are protecting the welfare of other family members and assets by reviewing possible dangerous schemes between the cheating spouse and the third party.
Ed Opperman invites you to see his cyber investigation website for all of your people search needs. He offers employment locate, internet infidelity inspections, email tracing, telephone investigations,cellular forensics and much more. To know more about people search and other beneficial information please click here now:===>
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Cell Phone Secrets - Your Spouse May Be Having an Extramarital Relationship
In the case of a cheating spouse, it's quite common that they keep in touch with their lover through the use of a cell phone. Chances are, you have very limited access to their cell phone, if any at all. You can be sure that if your spouse is having an extramarital relationship and they are talking to someone in secret on their cell phone, they don't want you to know. In fact, they probably will do everything in their power to keep you from ever getting your hands on that phone.
One of the most common signs of a cheating spouse is that they delete everything from their cell phone. In actuality, it makes no sense why they'd do such a thing since of course they talk to you and exchange messages with you throughout the day. For their phone to be empty all the time is just weird, especially considering that it never used to be that way. Anyhow, if you can manage it, you'll need to send their phone off to a cellular forensics lab for examination. This can easily be done with the help of an experienced private investigator.
Dealing with an extramarital relationship is a delicate matter. Even more so, you have to be careful when you don't know and only have suspicions. Your best choice for a PI is one that is an expert in cellular forensics as well as infidelity investigations. They know how to handle these types of situations while at the same time delivering top notch results.
In general, a private investigator will be able to reveal where your spouse has been with their lover, any hidden financial expenditures they have, as well as how long your spouse has been involved in an extramarital relationship. The details may be painful, indeed, but a PI will expose the truth. A cellular forensics exam of their phone may not reveal everything you're looking to find out, but it will definitely show whether your spouse is keeping secrets from you.
The basic cellphone forensics report consists of deleted text messages and pics, old caller ID logs, and actual call logs. This can be helpful in that you may be able to find out who your spouse's lover is, but it might not give as much information that you will know what exactly is going on between them. An extramarital relationship can be extremely complicated, depending on how deep into the relationship the other spouse may be, and for that reason, you need a private investigator. They are able to take a simple cellphone forensics report and delve much further into the matter than you could alone.
If you're concerned that your spouse may be involved in an extramarital relationship, you should consult the expertise of a qualified private investigator. In most cases, the PI will be able to deliver a full report of everything contained in your spouse's cell phone in about 7 days, so within a week you could finally know the truth about your spouse and finally lay your fears to rest!
Ed Opperman, president of Opperman Investigations Inc, is an expert in Cellular Forensics and infidelity investigations. If you suspect your spouse is having an extramarital relationship and need help uncovering the truth visit
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Monday, March 9, 2009
How to Catch Your Cheating Spouse on Internet Dating Sites
Just knowing whether or not your spouse is cheating will be an important step for you. If they are not having an affair, that sick feeling in your stomach will go away and your stress level will drop.
However if they are having an affair you have the right to know because this is the person you have committed yourself to and it's your decision whether you want to stay with a cheater or not. You have that right.
If your spouse is cheating on you and you are unaware, then your cheating spouse has made the decision for you, that you will live and be committed to a cheater. But that's not their right. It's your life and you don't have to put up with a cheater if you don't want to. So you need to know so you can move on with your life.
Some signs that your spouse is cheating are changes in behavior, mood and appearance, getting caught in lies, excuses to be out of the house longer, a sudden interest in hanging out with "friends", suddenly ending phone conversations when you walk into a room, not wanting you around when they are online, becoming more distant, and a change in your sex life.
Some easy first things you can do if you suspect your spouse is cheating is to look through your credit card bills. Are there any unusual or unexplainable purchases? The next thing you can do is look through their cell phone. Are their calls to or from names or numbers you don't recognize? Keep in mind incoming and outgoing phone calls can easily be deleted on cell phones, so just because nothing shows up, doesn't mean no calls took place.
Have you ever caught your spouse in little lies? People living double lives are often edgy and sometimes they can't keep their story straight. For example, your husband may say he's going to hang out with his buddy "Bob."
Then when he comes home several hours later and you start talking about his afternoon, he says he was hanging out with "Richard."
If you suspect your spouse is cheating you need to contact an online investigator to find out for sure if your spouse is cheating or not. With the technology available, it's very simple to know through their email address or cell phone if they are being unfaithful and it's inexpensive as well. Your peace of mind is worth more than the cost of the investigation.
Ed Opperman , president of Opperman Investigations Inc is an expert in Internet Infidelity Investigations and Computer and Cell Phone Forensics. If you need help with an infidelity investigation visit
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Put Your Suspicions to Rest With an Online Infidelity Investigation