Saturday, February 20, 2010’s Investigation Services Now Identify Cheaters Using Porn and Escort Websites’s Investigation Services Now Identify Cheaters Using Porn and Escort Websites

(1888PressRelease) June 21, 2009 - Henderson, Nevada - Email Revealer, an online investigation service located at, has expanded their services to include identifying cheaters who utilize porn, adult “cam”, or escort websites. This addition is the fourth infidelity-investigation service that Email Revealer offers, which also includes dating service investigation, personal ad investigation, and marriage and divorce records search.

Illicit activity online is a growing problem that devastates families all around the world. Due to its prevalence, the once-held beliefs about what constitutes cheating in a relationship have changed dramatically.

According to a 38,000-respondent, online sexuality survey performed by MSNBC in 1998, over 60 percent of married or committed respondents engaged in some form of online sexual activity. Of that group, less than 50 percent of women, and less than 60 percent of men, thought that sexual activity online constituted a break from matrimonial vows.

The popularity of online infidelity investigation services, such as those like ( offers, reinforces the significant shift in individuals’ mindsets toward the sanctity of a committed relationship. This need for consumers to know whether their partners are cheating on them led to the creation of Email Revealer’s new porn and escort website investigation service.

“After the success of the Online Infidelity Investigation of tracing emails back to secret personal ads, we found we could apply the same investigative techniques to locate cheaters on porn sites and web service devoted to connecting escorts and prostitutes with their clients” states Ed Opperman, the owner of

This new service, however, offers advantages beyond simply identifying an unfaithful spouse -- the porn and escort investigation service can provide valuable insight in divorce proceedings where child custody and visitation rights are being determined. On this point, Opperman states, “If we could provide evidence that a parent was heavily involved in Internet porn, prostitution or a promiscuous "swingers" lifestyle, this is evidence that can be evaluated by a court in making these decisions [of child custody and visitation rights].”

About is an online investigation service specializing in providing evidence of extramarital affairs. For more information on and their infidelity investigation services, visit

Ed Opperman
PO Box 777381
Henderson, NV 89077
Phone: 888-775-7149

Saturday, February 6, 2010

FBI wants records kept of Web sites visited

WASHINGTON--The FBI is pressing Internet service providers to record which Web sites customers visit and retain those logs for two years, a requirement that law enforcement believes could help it in investigations of child pornography and other serious crimes.

FBI Director Robert Mueller supports storing Internet users' "origin and destination information," a bureau attorney said at a federal task force meeting on Thursday.

As far back as a 2006 speech, Mueller had called for data retention on the part of Internet providers, and emphasized the point two years later when explicitly asking Congress to enact a law making it mandatory. But it had not been clear before that the FBI was asking companies to begin to keep logs of what Web sites are visited, which few if any currently do.

The FBI is not alone in renewing its push for data retention. As CNET reported earlier this week, a survey of state computer crime investigators found them to be nearly unanimous in supporting the idea. Matt Dunn, an Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent in the Department of Homeland Security, also expressed support for the idea during the task force meeting.

Greg Motta, the chief of the FBI's digital evidence section, said that the bureau was trying to preserve its existing ability to conduct criminal investigations. Federal regulations in place since at least 1986 require phone companies that offer toll service to "retain for a period of 18 months" records including "the name, address, and telephone number of the caller, telephone number called, date, time and length of the call."

At Thursday's meeting (PDF) of the Online Safety and Technology Working Group, which was created by Congress and organized by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Motta stressed that the bureau was not asking that content data, such as the text of e-mail messages, be retained.

"The question at least for the bureau has been about non-content transactional data to be preserved: transmission records, non-content records...addressing, routing, signaling of the communication," Motta said. Director Mueller recognizes, he added "there's going to be a balance of what industry can bear...He recommends origin and destination information for non-content data."

Motta pointed to a 2006 resolution from the International Association of Chiefs of Police, which called for the "retention of customer subscriber information, and source and destination information for a minimum specified reasonable period of time so that it will be available to the law enforcement community."

Recording what Web sites are visited, though, is likely to draw both practical and privacy objections.

"We're not set up to keep URL information anywhere in the network," said Drew Arena, Verizon's vice president and associate general counsel for law enforcement compliance.

And, Arena added, "if you were do to deep packet inspection to see all the URLs, you would arguably violate the Wiretap Act."

Another industry representative with knowledge of how Internet service providers work was unaware of any company keeping logs of what Web sites its customers visit.

If logs of Web sites visited began to be kept, they would be available only to local, state, and federal police with legal authorization such as a subpoena or search warrant.

What remains unclear are the details of what the FBI is proposing. The possibilities include requiring an Internet provider to log the Internet protocol (IP) address of a Web site visited, or the domain name such as, a host name such as, or the actual URL such as

While the first three categories could be logged without doing deep packet inspection, the fourth category would require it. That could run up against opposition in Congress, which lambasted the concept in a series of hearings in 2008, causing the demise of a company, NebuAd, which pioneered it inside the United States.

The technical challenges also may be formidable. John Seiver, an attorney at Davis Wright Tremaine who represents cable providers, said one of his clients had experience with a law enforcement request that required the logging of outbound URLs.

"Eighteen million hits an hour would have to have been logged," a staggering amount of data to sort through, Seiver said. The purpose of the FBI's request was to identify visitors to two URLs, "to try to find out...who's going to them."

A Justice Department representative said the department does not have an official position on data retention.

Disclosure: The author of this story participated in the meeting of the Online Safety and Technology Working Group, though after the law enforcement representatives spoke.

The Truth About Cyber Affairs

Author: Ruth Houston

Cyber affairs are the flavor of the day "when it comes to infidelity and extramarital affairs. To find your Internet connection with the workplace as the most important place for cheaters of both sexes are willing partners with whom they have extramarital affairs. It eliminated most of the risks associated with fraud related to your mate.Gone are the days when a would-be fraudsters had physically left home in search of someone for having a relationship with. Now we are all in cyberspace, without running the risk of family members, nosy neighbors, or inquisitive friends and colleagues to be made. With a few clicks of the mouse, a potential fraudster has immediate access to an infinite variety of willing partners. A cyber affair can be initiated and conducted from the privacy of your home, and ordered the unsuspecting spouse or significant other in the same room, not what is happening on.Is a Cyber Affair Cheating? Cyber affairs are actually a form of emotional infidelity. Although in the early stages, there is no sex involved, most emotional infidelity eventually leads to sexual infidelity, if not controlled. But men and women view cyber affairs very people differently.Most not consider things like cyber cheating. But women think differently. A survey on divorce Magazine found that only 46 percent of men as an intense relationship of Internet infidelity, compared with 72 percent of Foreign cyber women.Are Serious? Many people question whether the business is not IT, should be taken seriously – especially if it was no sex. A cyber affair is a very serious threat. Story of computer science, should be treated as seriously as a sexual relationship, because they are not stopped, that's where it will eventually close up.In the past 10 years, divorce attorneys reported an increase in divorces and separations, that from cyber infidelity. According to the Fortino Group, one third of divorce litigation is caused not take affairs.It online much more than a cyber-affair, to make the transition from cyberspace into the real world. Several studies have found close connections between cyber affairs and subsequent sexual affairs. According to statistics, 50% of people participating in Internet chat phone contact with someone who has conversed with online are provided. One study found that business by 30% of cyber-escalation by e-mail, telephone calls to personal contact. Another study found that 31% of people who can receive an online conversation that ended with a real sex.So not make the mistake of underestimating a cyber affair.Signs a cyber AffairHow had to tell if your partner is a cyber-affair under? Signs of a story of cyber sit on the computer until the wee hours of the night, the voice for the computer first thing in the morning, insisting on privacy when surfing the net, moving the computer into aa locked office, “divorce attorneys”, or more area restricted area of the house of changing passwords and other behavior.Chapter suspects with 23 computers, in Is He Cheating on You? – 829 telltale signs, lists 30 computer-related telltale signs that you may notice that your partner is involved in a cyber-affair. (Order your copy of Or 1-800-431-1579) Whatever term you use – cyber-fraud, cyber affairs, online business or Internet business, is a variation of emotional infidelity, and should never be underestimated. If you want to know if your friends are online partner is always dangerously close to emotional infidelity can request the free Emotional Infidelity Quiz an e-mail to with the words "Emotional Infidelity Quiz" in the subject Fool Proof Online line.A People are often tempted to try a cyber-affair, as it justifies a harmless friendship online. If your partner tries to make light of his concerns, or raises a major problem for doing nothing, there's a way to discover sure.If Friendship Internet is as harmless, or innocent as supporting your partner be, then you should have no problem with her sitting next to him, in accordance with the exchange of letters back and forth. When, “divorce attorneys”, he is not willing to do this, then your answer would be as if his friendship is safe online as you would like to believe. Protect your relationship with affirmative action, before it's too late.